• 백화점
  • 아울렛
  • 쇼핑몰
오늘은 정상영업 중
오늘은 휴점일
오늘은 정상영업 중
오늘은 휴점일


  • 백화점
  • 에비뉴엘
  • 캐슬플라자
  • 월드몰
  • 영업시간
    10:30 ~ 20:30
  • 식당가
    10:30 ~ 20:00 * 연장 영업 시 ~ 00:00
  • 휴점일
    12. 12 (월), 12. 19 (월),
    12. 21 (수)
  • 대표전화
  • 영업시간
    11:30 ~ 20:30
  • 식당가
    10:30 ~ 20:00
  • 휴점일
  • 대표전화
  • 영업시간
    10:30 ~ 22:30
  • 식당가
    10:30 ~ 20:00 * 연장 영업 시 ~ 00:00
  • 휴점일
  • 대표전화
  • 영업시간
    10:30 ~ 20:00
  • 식당가
    10:30 ~ 20:00
  • 휴점일
    12. 12 (월), 12. 19 (월),
    12. 21 (수)
  • 대표전화

서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 240 (잠실동 40-1)

24 °

서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 240 (잠실동 40-1)

24 °

롯데백화점 APP 설치

지금 롯데백화점에서 다양한 혜택과 소식을 받아보세요!

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새로운 롯데백화점 APP이 궁금하다면?

롯데백화점 APP 소개

Compliance Hotline
Compliance Hotline
Dear LOTTE Department Store employees, executives and employees of our partner companies! Have you ever been asked to follow illegal business orders or participate in unfair trade practices? Please report to our Fair Trade Team.
The Fair Trade Team is a department that supports LOTTE Department Store’s compliance management and handles reports fairly and promptly.
We will ensure the confidentiality of the reporters’ personal information and protect them from any adverse consequences of the report.
The range of behaviors that can be reported
1. Unjustly Shifting Burden of Sales Promotional Expenses or Interior Design Costs
2. Unjust Reduction in Payment of Goods or Delayed Payment
3. Unjustly Altering Contractual Terms
4. Any Improper Coercion
5. A Inappropriate Solicitation
6. Providing illicit funds or goods
7. Forcing or Instructing to Perform a Task
8. Various Situations Involving a Conflict of Interest
Filing a report
  • Online
    Please report any unfair business conduct to the Fair Trade Team.
  • Address
    Fair Trade Team, 81,
    Namdaemun-ro, Jung-gu,
    Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Phone
    +82 02-2118-5283~5287
    Fair Trade Team
Incident Reporting


  • If you would like to report anonymously, please fill out reporter’s information as follows.
    [Example] Name : Anonymous / Phone : 010-1234-5678 / Email: abcd@efgh.com / Affiliation: Anonymous
  • When making an anonymous report, please specify the factual grounds in detail. If the details are not specific enough or the factual grounds are not clear, the investigation may not proceed.

Select File


* Attachments can be uploaded up to 50MB.

* Only compressed files, documents, images, videos and recorded files can be uploaded.

1. Purpose for collection and use of personal information

Identifying the reporter Investigating and resolving the reported case and notifying the outcome. Securing the credibility of the contents of the report and identifying the relevance of the reporter's case

2. Items of personal information collected

Name, contact information, email, reporter's affiliation (company classification, company name)

3. Retention and use period of personal information

In principle, your personal information is destroyed immediately after the purpose of collecting or providing it is achieved. However, if it is necessary to preserve it according to related laws, such as the Consumer Protection Act, it will be kept for a certain period of time.

4. You can refuse to provide personal information, but you cannot file a report if you do so.

* Please refer to the personal information processing policy on our website for more information.

* Please refer to the personal information processing policy on our website for more information.


  • The Reporter’s identity and details of reports are treated as strictly confidential to guarantee that they are not disclosed against the Reporter’s will.
  • The same applies to persons other than the Reporter who cooperate with the report by providing statements, materials or in other means.
  • In the event of a violation of such protection (e.g., leakage of information on the Reporter or implementing disadvantageous measures against the Reporter) the Company shall take necessary measures, including disciplinary actions.
  • The report processing period is from when the report is received to when its handling is completed, and it takes about three months on average.
  • The processing period may vary depending on the subject and scope of the investigation, but if the investigation exceeds the prescribed period above, we will inform you of the reasons and progress.
  • Progress can only be notified to Reporters who use their real names and anonymous Reporters who have provided a means to contact them.
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